About PT. Citra Melia Diamond

PT. Citra Melia Diamond  has strong commitment , and is stated in our :

Vision Statement
With strong commitment to be involved in developing technology, process in sector Foundry process, so that our Nation and OUR foundry businesses sector to be recognised by Casting market worldwide.”

Mission Statement
“With leading edge technology product, we assist customer  seeking improve quality products without ignoring the economic value in the production process”

Established in 2008, from the beginning of establishement, the Company consist of 2 Divisions:

  • Foundry Business
    We supply foundry machinery and some consummable materials, We provide the machinery from the beginning until to the end of the foundry processes.
  • Power Gen & Petrochem
    We supply Air Intake Filter for Gas Turbine Generators and Compressor, and some supporting equiments related to the Gas Turbine

Since 2014 we have been growing and we go in to the deeper of business understanding, especially in the Foundry Business;

In the Foundry Business, we provide the complete solution of Foundry Production line. But not only the whole package of equipments, but also in a strong synergic cooperation with customers we develop the whole business of Founry Business.

In the term of Power Generation and Petrochem it will be explain Seperately as a our business sector.

Business Activity

Foundry Business
We are Supplier of Foundry Equipments for Foundry Industries, Steel & Cast Iron Foundry, as well Non Ferrous Foundry.

We supply updated technology for whole Foundry equipments, included the supporting equipments such as dedusting systems as a whole package of supplies.

We are the exclusive agent of DISAWheelabrator automatic molding machine for green sand foundry production line and surface preparation, and IMF No Bake system molding machine for production for large scale of casting.

In synergic coordination with foundry machine manufacturer, we can supply a whole equipments as a complete casting production line, from the melting process until finish casting product, included supporting peripheral system.

Combined with our long years experiences and knowledges in Foundry technology & process, we are confident to supply the whole package of systems, equipment and management, and together with customer in synergic cooperation we are able to set up your foundry business becoming well recognized in foundry market.